Mrs Michele Eisenhauer teaches elements of music and performance to each class from Year 1 to Year 6 for an hour each week. In addition, the school has:
In addition, class assembly items are often conducted in cooperation with the performing arts teacher.
Visiting music teachers provide tuition to selected students from years 3-6 in brass, clarinet, flute, guitar, cello, and violin. All lessons for invited students are during the school day on site at EPS. Students perform on a bi-annual basis for the rest of the school at a dedicated school assembly.
Mr Pete Grantham teaches Science concepts and skills to all students in the school from Pre-Primary to Year 6. The program covers:
Included in the Science understandings is the concept of Science as a Human Endeavour which considers the range of employment options within the Science field.
Specialist teachers provide all Year 1-6 students weekly ICT classes advancing their computer skills. The school has a very well resourced ICT lab with 3D printer for our students to use. Multiple class sets of laptop computers and iPads are provided for integrated ICT activities in the classrooms.
Specialist teacher, Mrs Kylie Collins, instructs all year 1 – 6 students weekly for fitness, physical skills and games. Before and after school seasonal training is held for events including Interschool cross country, athletics and sports carnivals. The school conducts its faction athletics carnival in term four on a yearly basis when all students can gain points to assist their faction to win the perpetual shield.
Where the individual needs of students require further assessment and/or intervention the class teacher may refer them to admin for the involvement of the school psychologist. This involvement is done in consultation with parents and carers who are included in the process at all stages.
The school has funded a speech pathologist for 2024, Mrs Lily Kotkis, to support identified students with speech related difficulties. Mrs Kotkis works every Thursday in the Early Learning block.