The School Contributions and Charges financial procedure guides parents and carers to understand the flexibilities of school fee structures and to determine the estimated total cost of their child’s education. It is a requirement of the Education Act 1999 that all possible contributions and charges are identified two months prior to the beginning of the school year. The Ellenbrook Primary School Board has endorsed the schedule of contributions and charges for 2024.
Monies requested from parents towards the cost of materials, services and facilities used by K-6 students in the standard educational program which Ellenbrook PS is required to provide. Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure in the areas such as materials for art and craft, design and technology and science, photocopy materials, classroom materials, web based curriculum materials/resources. While contributions are voluntary, the quality of the teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution.
Student requirement lists (ie: stationery items, library bag) will be distributed to each student at the end of 2023. These can be purchased from Campion however there is no obligation to purchase from this supplier.
These are amounts paid for participation in separate events; sporting activities, incursions, excursions, swimming lessons, dance etc. We hope that all children will attend these activities but only those who pay will attend. The charges schedule includes costs associated with:
Specific learning activities made available to all students, but conditional on a payment being made eg. incursions, excursions. Specific learning activities made available to selected students, but conditional on payment being made, eg School of Instrumental Music program etc.
These include school photos, book club etc, options available at the discretion of each individual family.
Mr Tony Shields
Here are the Fees and Charges for 2025.