
Please let the school office know as soon as you decide to enrol your child at school. Please read the section on boundaries (below) or contact the school office on 9297 7300. Applications from outside the local-intake area are prioritised in accordance with the School Education Regulations 2000. 

Enrolment into a public school is a two-part process. 

Part 1: Enrolment Pack Part A – Application for Enrolment.  Parents lodge this form with the school along with the required supporting documentation.

Part 2: Enrolment Pack Part B – Enrolment.  If your child is eligible for enrolment, you will be provided with an Enrolment Form to complete which includes parent information about enrolment in a Western Australian public school.  All information provided is treated confidentially.

Families seeking enrolment with a Visa should contact the school office for further information.

Click here to download the Application Form to Enrol

Tree.png Application for Enrolment 

When you enrol your child, you will need to produce your child’s birth certificate, immunisation records and proof of your address (eg telephone account, rates bill), details of any legal/custodial issues, and evidence of citizenship or residency status (if applicable). Children must be enrolled with the name as on the birth certificate.

All schools are staffed on current and estimated enrolments so it is important that we are able to keep our registers up to date.


Ellenbrook Independent Primary School is a local intake school and the catchment boundaries are as follows:

The following defines the local-intake area of this school from 2021:

From the intersection of Henley Street and Starflower Road, due west to Drumpellier Drive, north along Drumpellier Drive (east side included) to Gnangara Road, east along Gnangara Road (south side included) to Pinaster Parade, north and north east along Pinaster Parade (east and south sides included) to The Promenade, east along The Promenade (south east side included) to Henley Brook Avenue, south along Henley Brook Avenue (west side included) and its future southern extension to Henley Street, and west along Henley Street (north side included) to Starflower Road.

The following defines an optional area between Aveley Primary School and Ellenbrook Primary School:
From the intersection of Gnangara Road and Neary Boulevard, north along Neary Boulevard (west side included) to Flecker Promenade, north along Flecker Promenade (west side included) to Edgecombe Pass, west along Edgecombe Pass (south side included) to Amethyst Pathway, north along Amethyst Pathway (west side included) to Wistful Parade, west along Wistful Parade (south side included) to Henley Brook Avenue, south along Henley Brook Avenue (east side included) to Gnangara Road, and east along Gnangara Road (north side included) to Neary Boulevard.